Thursday, July 21, 2011

Annual Kaberamaido Youth Conference

The Kaberamaido district, like other areas of Uganda has been ravaged by years of civil war. Although peace was achieved over a decade ago, this district which is home to 100,000 people is still in the re-building process. Refuge and Hope has partnered with local leaders in certain key areas within the district to implement community development initiatives. These initiatives focus on sustainable agriculture, education and computer, business and leadership training for adults and youth.

Recently, Refuge and Hope hosted the annual leadership youth conference in Kaberamaido. The two day conference focused on God's empowering and transformational love and Christ's call to love others and do justice within their community. The two day conference consisted of games, worship, teachings and discussions. The conference at and in partnership with a local church in Kaberamaido who Refuge and Hope has built a relationship with in the area. Forty children and youth attended from the area.
Group photo of leaders and youth

Youth Conference Leaders: Missy, Angelo, Francis, Haryet, Lino

Playing duck duck goose with the younger children.

Church children's choir

Francis teaching the youth dancing and gymnastics

Haryet and Lino with some of the youth leaders

Haryet leading the youth in a group game

Dancing during worship

Dancing during worship

Joseph, one of the youth leaders having a discussion with the youth before the teaching began.

Listening to the teaching

Closing prayers

In front of the new Refuge and Hope Community Center in Kaberamaido. The center will open in August. There will be daily computer classes and periodic leadership trainings held at the center.
Posted by: Missy

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