Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Grik Visit

During the break between terms, five of us from the Center-Alex, Chip, Francis, Haryet, and Missy-took a three day trip the Refuge and Hope site in Grik, Uganda. Apart from some very difficult roads, we had a really great experience. We visited the Community Center built by Refuge and Hope, led local children in games and worship songs, met and prayed with local leaders, and were given a tour of the village. We were very lucky to have people to translate for us, as few of the locals spoke English. Even if they did not understand the words, we were still able to lead the kids in games like “Duck, Duck, Goose” and “Mingle, Mingle.”

Having spent all my time in the busy city of Kampala, it was a really different experience being in the quiet, remote, and newly developing village. The village mirrored the way mainstream media likes to portray all of Africa—small huts, no electricity, shoeless children, etc. It was great to see that the Community Center allowed them accommodate many people and many kinds of events. Despite difficult circumstances, there was a strong sense of optimism and hope in the voices of local leaders. They expressed a strong trust that God will provide. As I prepare to leave Uganda, the reminder that God will provide coupled with my experience in Grik will certainly be things I take home with me.

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