Saturday, November 20, 2010

Jinja Trip!

Recently, Refuge and Hope International put a trip to Jinja together for English students from the Centre of Hope. Peter contacted Rwenzori Water factory and Kakira sugar factory to schedule a tour of their facilities before heading to the Bujagali Falls at the Nile River. 45 students and 6 R&H staff/interns were able to go on the trip.

Rwenzori Water showed us from beginning to end how the water is gathered, bottles are formed and to packaging.

At Kakira Sugar, we put on green hard hats to walk through the factory from where sugar cane is off-loaded trucks to the packaging room.

Finally, at Bujagali Falls we shared a meal together, marveled at the Nile river and some students even rode in a boat for the first time in their lives.

In the video below, there are pictures and a video from the day. Happiness and smiles filled the day...

To say the day was fun would be a major understatement. It was a success in that our students would probably never have had the opportunity to visit Jinja, which is an hour from Kampala. Many of our students have endured and traversed many miles to find a safe haven in Kampala. On this day, our students forgot about the hardship and were able to freely and joyfully experience some place new.

It is a day that the students will not forget and it is a day I will not forget.

by Robyn


Melody Kortbein said...

Looks like a fun day was had by ALL, especially Peter!!
Thinking and praying for all of you.


Melody Kortbein said...

We love you guys!!

William and Ronette